We made a big decision on our trip out to Salt Lake City to pick up our bus. It was a decision that was weighing heavily on me in the months before we ventured out to get our bus. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a sweet treat as much as anyone, but there was the idea that I might not be making the best decision, the bright sticky snow cone syrup I think of is packed with artificial colors and flavors. Look it up, they’re usually vague about what exactly you’re getting but most of them say “Artificial Flavors” see for yourself. Especially when it comes to my own kids, who no doubt, will have more than their fair share of Snowie King Shaved Ice in the coming years, it just wasn’t sitting well with the Snowie Mom.
So, in the end, I guess the decision was pretty easy. We decided to exclusively sell Snowie Natural Syrups. What does that mean to you? The same amazing flavor of traditional shaved ice, the incredible fluffy snow (as our kids refer to it) BUT our syrups are made with NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS OR COLORS!!! There is a small drawback to this decision, the color of our shaved ice might seem a little dull, after all, no artificial colors mean no Red #40, Blue #1, Green #3 or Yellow #5 to brighten things up. We’re left with creative, natural ingredients like carrot or strawberry juice extract to add a little color. There might not be any bright greens or blues, but after all the deliberation, I’m okay with that! And did I mention no High Fructose Corn Syrup?
Just one bite is all it takes to realize that what it might be lacking in bright colors, our syrups make up for ten fold in flavor!

Oh, and I wasn’t kidding about the Kid Tested part, here are our two kiddos, they love their Snowie King Shaved Ice, just the way it is! I don’t think they would care if there was no color at all, they have so much fun picking out their flavor, or combination of flavors, that it’s excitement like the first time, every time!
We plan to rotate the flavors that are on the bus, but for right now, we’re serving the following scrumptious, grown from the ground up, Snowie Natural syrups:
- Tiger’s Blood
- Raspberry Rave
- Watermelon Wedge
- Lemon Loves Lime
- Orange Pineapple Party
- Pacific Punch
- Pina Cola-Di-Da
- Sour Grapes
- Bubble Trouble
- Fairy Floss (Cotton Candy)
- Sugar Free Black Cherry Chiller
- Sugar Free Banana-Yo-Bizness
- Sugar Free Root Beer Fizz

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